
Dear students ,
Here are simple questionnaires that will help both you and me to enjoy learning experiences that suits your interests and match with your needs and your best way of learning.
All answers are acceptable so go ahead with no tension or fear

What's Your Learning Style?

This quiz asks 24 questions and will take less than five minutes to complete. Try not to think too hard -- just go with your first thought when describing your daily activities and interests. By the end, you may have some new insights into your learning preferences.

How much time do you spend:


Only a little
A fair amount
A lot
All the time
Getting lost in a good book.

Doing crafts or arts projects.

Trying to solve mysteries, riddles, or crossword puzzles.

Writing a journal or blogging.

Reflecting on your life and your future.

Playing sports.

Yearning to spend time with nature.

Follow the following link for the next questionnaire:

How Do I Learn Best?

Choose the answer which best explains your preference and tick the box next to it.
Please tick more than one if a single answer does not match your perception. Leave blank any question that does not apply.

Note:please print your results out ; you can ask your parents for help .

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