

The department must reflect the aims of the school. Our aims and

objectives are:

          To consider every student of equal value and importance, regardless of age, ability gender, religion or ethnicity and to set a good example to the students.

          To  ensure  that  our  strategies  do  all  that  is  possible  to  enable  our students to become confident and competent with the spoken and written formats of language.

          To be aware of our students’ needs and that control of language in all its forms will enable them to participate it simply in society.

          To teach and provide the curriculum entitlement for all students and to follow  the guidelines laid down in the  CS framework for teaching English;  to  review  schemes  of  work,  learning  and  teaching  styles  as appropriate,  always  seeking  to  improve   quality  for  the  benefit  of students.

          To recognise that children learn in different ways and so to provide varied and stimulating learning activities for all our students.

          To assess students’ progress regularly, and to monitor progress using data to inform planning.

          To encourage and reward the highest possible standard of achievement so that all students can realise their full potential.

          To give students the confidence and encouragement to develop them as independent learners.

          To enrich the curriculum by providing opportunities for visits, outings, theatre / cinema trips and visiting workshops.

          To support each other by sharing resources and good practice.

          To carry out the aims, principles and development of practice of the

Teaching and Learning Policy of the school .

          To give access to and promote Continued Professional Development (CPD)

for all Department staff.

          To establish positive links with parents.

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